Up North | Conversations on the Impacts of Change released online.

The feature length documentary Up North has been released for online streaming! Enjoy and Share. Our environment and culture have been linked to our evolution since the dawn of civilization. Currently that linkage appears to be having an increasingly evident impact on our ecology and environment with little change in global culture. This dissonance is exaggerated intensely in our most delicate environments. Northern Canada is one of these environs.

NEA Arts News Letter

Work is currently underway by design grant awardee, the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), on the SCI-Arc Media Archive—a continuously-expanding online showcase of over 1,000 hours of videos of lectures originally presented at SCI-Arc from 1974 to the present.

SCI-Arc Awarded Getty Foundation, NEA Grants

The Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) today announced it has received two major grants that will be used to create the SCI-Arc Digital Lecture Archive. This free web archive will contain more than 1,000 hours of key architectural and design lectures and symposia from 1974 to the present that will be accessible online, via phone applications, e-readers, and other new media channels. A transformative $200,000 grant from The Getty Foundation and a significant $70,000
grant from the National Endowment for the Arts—their largest award this year in the Design category